It's Been A Minute!
It has been a while since I have written a blog and checked in with everyone. Sorry about that!
It is so easy to get on a roll. To get into a routine. I am one of those people who loves checklists and loves a daily routine. I start my day with a cup of coffee (I need that little kick of caffeine to get me started.) After that and some water, I'll hit my mat for my yoga practice or even go for a walk to get the blood flowing in my body. I love starting my day with movement, it makes me happy so that works for me.
Find what works for you.
As easy as it is to be on a roll, it is just as easy to wander away from it. I had been doing a great job of writing blogs, posting on social media, and trying to engage with folks who may love Yogi Raw Life cork yoga mats! Then I went out of town, got busy, and made f@$%ing excuses as to why I was not focusing on YRL.
As easy as it is to get on a roll, get off of a routine, and make excuses, I am not going to dwell on things in the past. Let That Shit Go!
I am going to continue to learn, and continue to grow. And I think you should too! Life is all about falling and getting back up again. Trying to grow a small business is hard, this is my first time and I know I am going to make mistakes but I hope from each mistake I learn a lesson and get better, faster, and stronger. Does this mean I am going to do everything right going forward? Ha! Nope, but I am going to continue to learn.